The Offspring of Grace (Genesis 15:1-21, 17:1-14) - Pastor John Kim John KimMay 26, 2024City Church of Honolulu
The Flood and the Rainbow (Genesis 8:20-9:17) - Pastor John Kim John KimMay 19, 2024City Church of Honolulu
It Begins With a Covenant (Genesis 1:28; 2:15-17; 3:1-21) - Pastor John Kim John KimMay 12, 2024City Church of Honolulu
Our Sermon Response (Matthew 7:21-29) - Pastor John Kim John KimApril 28, 2024City Church of Honolulu
The Non-Anxious Life (Matthew 6:25-34) - Pastor John Kim John KimApril 21, 2024City Church of Honolulu
Resurrection News (1 Corinthians 15:1-11) - Pastor John Kim John KimMarch 31, 2024City Church of Honolulu
The Triumphal Entry (Mark 11:1-11) - Reverend Chris Bruno John KimMarch 24, 2024City Church of Honolulu
Authentic Spirituality (Matthew 6:1-18) - Pastor John Kim John KimMarch 17, 2024City Church of Honolulu
Loving Your Enemies (Matthew 5:38-48) - Pastor John Kim John KimMarch 10, 2024City Church of Honolulu
I am the Lord, and There is No Other (Isaiah 45:1-25) - Pastor John Kong John KimFebruary 4, 2024City Church of Honolulu